Turnout Gear Maintenance

By: Hayden Hughes, Senior Sales Manager Firefighting turnout gear serves as the first line of defense against the many hazards encountered during fire emergencies. Ensuring the proper maintenance of turnout gear is not just a matter of extending its lifespan but is critical to the overall health and safety of firefighters.  Turnout gear is exposed to various hazardous substances, including …

Photo of a fire station rack for firefighting gear.

How Long Is Bunker Gear Good For?

By: Hayden Hughes, Senior Sales Representative, Emergency Technical Decon Bunker gear and turnout gear – these two interchangeable terms have maintained the same purpose since their creation. Each protects first responders while they conduct their jobs, coming in contact with extreme temperatures and toxic elements. Composed of a three-layer system, the gear includes an outer shell, moisture barrier, and thermal …

Four Reasons To Keep Your Turnout Gear Clean

By: Hayden Hughes, Senior Sales Representative, Emergency Technical Decon Maintaining clean turnout gear is one of the most important aspects of firefighter safety. The gear is designed to protect firefighters from the heat, flames, and other hazards that they encounter on the job. However, the gear can become contaminated with harmful substances and chemicals, making it essential for firefighters to …