By: Jon Wikstrom, CEO, Cool Clean Technologies
Liquid CO2+ cleaning has emerged as a cutting-edge method for decontaminating firefighter turnout gear, yet several misconceptions persist about its effectiveness and application. Addressing these myths is crucial for fire departments considering this technology to enhance both safety and compliance.
Myth 1: Liquid CO2+ Cleaning Is Ineffective at Removing Certain Carcinogens
Some believe that liquid CO2+ cleaning cannot effectively eliminate carcinogenic contaminants from firefighting gear. Contrary to this belief, studies have demonstrated that liquid CO2+ cleaning significantly outperforms traditional water-based methods in removing harmful substances. Research indicates that this technique can eliminate up to 100% of certain contaminants, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are commonly encountered in firefighting environments.
Myth 2: Liquid CO2+ Cleaning Degrades Turnout Gear
A common concern is that the liquid CO2+ process may compromise the integrity of protective gear, similar to a high g-force water extractor. However, evidence suggests the opposite. The liquid CO2+ method is gentle on materials, preserving the strength and functionality of the gear. Unlike traditional washing, which can degrade fabrics and reduce the lifespan of PPE, liquid CO2+ cleaning maintains the gear’s protective qualities, extending its usable life by up to 40%.
Myth 3: Liquid CO2+ Cleaning Is Unproven and Unsafe
Skepticism about the safety and efficacy of liquid CO2+ cleaning stems from its relatively recent adoption in the firefighting industry. In reality, this technology has been rigorously tested and validated. Emergency Technical Decon (ETD) utilizes a proven liquid CO2+ cleaning process that has been tested to remove over 50 different toxins that traditional methods struggle to eliminate, including PFAS. This process ensures thorough decontamination while aligning with environmental safety standards, as it does not produce hazardous wastewater and all removed toxins are capture in a closed-loop system for proper disposal.
Myth 4: Traditional Water-Based Cleaning Methods Are Sufficient
While conventional water-based cleaning has been the standard for years, it often falls short in effectively removing all contaminants. Studies have shown that traditional methods may leave behind harmful residues, posing ongoing health risks to firefighters. In contrast, liquid CO2+ cleaning has demonstrated superior performance in decontaminating gear, ensuring a higher level of safety for personnel and reducing long-term exposure to carcinogens.
Myth 5: Liquid CO2+ Cleaning Is Inaccessible and Impractical for Most Departments
There is a perception that implementing liquid CO2+ cleaning systems is cost-prohibitive and logistically challenging. However, companies like ETD offer solutions that make this advanced cleaning technology accessible to fire departments of all sizes. Options for renting or purchasing liquid CO2+ cleaning systems provide flexibility, enabling departments to integrate this effective decontamination method into their routines without undue financial strain.
At Emergency Technical Decon (ETD), we are committed to providing fire departments with the most effective, NFPA-compliant decontamination solutions available. Our Liquid CO2+ cleaning technology ensures that firefighter gear is free from carcinogens, PFAS, and other harmful contaminants, preserving PPE integrity while eliminating hazardous waste. With scientifically proven effectiveness and environmentally responsible processes, ETD helps departments stay ahead of regulations and prioritize firefighter health.
Is your department ready to transition to a safer, more effective turnout gear cleaning method? Learn how Liquid CO2+ cleaning can help protect your firefighters and extend the life of your gear and receive a quote for your department today.