PFAS rules are changing turnout gear cleaning. Learn how fire departments can stay compliant and protect firefighters with PFAS-safe decontamination.
Advancing Firefighter Health and Safety: What to Expect in 2025
Mike Duyck on upcoming advancements in PPE, decontamination, and cancer prevention.
Protecting Firefighter Health: How Liquid CO2+ Cleaning Outperforms Traditional Methods
Firefighters face hidden health risks from contaminated turnout gear. Learn how Liquid CO2+ cleaning removes PFAS, PAHs, and other carcinogens more effectively than traditional methods.
PFAS in Firefighter Gear: Advancing Safe and Effective Cleaning Solutions
See how liquid CO2 cleaning enhances firefighter gear decon, removing PFAS to protect firefighter health and the environment.
NEWS: The V Foundation, Emergency Technical Decon, and Emergent Launch “Turnout for Firefighters Cancer Research Fund”
The V Foundation for Cancer Research, Emergency Technical Decon, and Emergent launch the Turnout for Firefighters Cancer Research Fund.
Why Liquid CO2 Cleaning is Better for the Environment
Learn why liquid CO2 cleaning is eco-friendly, reducing waste and conserving resources while delivering effective decontamination.
Proper PPE Decontamination After A Fire using Enhanced Liquid CO2 Cleaning
Learn how to properly prevent the spread of harmful toxins and protect your firefighters with proper decontamination techniques.
Firefighters And Cancer: Why The Increased Risk?
Understand why firefighters face an increased risk of cancer, the role of carcinogen exposure, and the steps to reduce health hazards in the fire service.
The Cost of Cancer: The Price Firefighters Pay
Discover the hidden costs of cancer in the firefighting profession, from health impacts to financial burdens, and explore ways to support firefighter safety.